Monday, May 16, 2011

Well here I am again...

I thought this blog had been lost to the cosmos, along with a uni assignment from many years ago.
Well if I can figure out how to find the blog again, I'll post again.

Since my last post, I have lost 30kg, made a stack of new friends and found hope for my future.

Aiming to have a smashing round starting next week, last round was...well...let's just say, a learning curve.

Let the fun begin...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Red Hot Crack

I am ready to give this thing a red hot crack.
All three available tasks have been done; introduction, excuses/solutions and goals.
Still eating too much, but getting slightly active again after a forced rest due to surgery.  The Doctor has said get into a gym program, so the 12WBT seems the perfect fit.
Tomorrow may be a better day.
Gave up coffee today - the caffeine is not the problem, it is all that milk!